Framework Agreement On Fixed-Term Work Concluded By Etuc Unice And Ceep

2. This agreement does not undermine more specific EU provisions, including EU provisions on equal treatment or equal opportunities for men and women. 2. In accordance with Article 139, paragraph 2 of the Treaty, the social partners can jointly request that the agreements at the Community level be implemented by a Council decision on the Commission`s proposal. (7) Considering that the Commission has consulted with the social partners on the possible direction of Community actions on flexible working time and job security, in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 2, of the Social Policy Agreement. 1. Employers inform temporary workers of vacancies in the company or establishment to ensure that they have the same opportunity to obtain permanent employment as other workers. This information can be obtained by a general opinion in an appropriate location within the company or company. (17) With regard to the terms used in the framework agreement but which are not specifically defined in the framework agreement, this directive allows Member States to define these concepts in accordance with national law or national practice, as is the case with other social affairs directives with similar terms, provided that the relevant definitions inform the content of the framework agreement. 4. This agreement does not affect the right of the social partners to conclude, at an appropriate level, including at European level, agreements to adapt and/or supplement the provisions of this agreement in such a way as to take into account the specific needs of the social partners concerned. This agreement applies to temporary workers, with the exception of those provided by a temporary employment agency by a user company.

The parties intend to consider the need for a similar agreement on acting work. In accordance with its treaty, the EU sets conditions at European level for working conditions. The treaty gives European social partners a special role in preparing labour law initiatives at EU level. The Commission calls on the social partners to conclude agreements in this area. The Commission can also present legislative proposals to the Council and Parliament. (10) considering that the inter-professional bodies concluded a framework agreement on fixed-term work on 18 March 1999; they forwarded to the Commission their joint request for the implementation of the framework agreement by a Council decision on a Commission proposal, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Social Policy Agreement; 10. This agreement reserves for Member States and social partners how to apply their general principles, minimum requirements and provisions to take account of the situation in each Member State and the circumstances of certain sectors and professions, including end-of-season activities. Member States may, if necessary, after consultation with the social partners, have a maximum year to take into account particular difficulties or the implementation of a collective agreement. In these circumstances, they immediately inform the Commission. DIRECTIVE 1999/70/EEC of 28 June 1999 on the framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded by the CES, UNICE and CEEPTHE COUNCIL OF the EUROPEAN UNION, in view of the Treaty establishing the European Community, in particular Article 139, paragraph 2, taking into account the Commission`s proposal,Considering 1) After the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam, the provisions of the Social Policy Agreement attached to the Protocol on Social Policy, annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community in Article 136 (2) administration and work (social partners) can jointly request, in accordance with Article 139, paragraph 2, of the Treaty, that agreements at the Community level be implemented by a Council decision on the Commission`s proposal;3. , among other things, that “the completion of the internal market must lead to an improvement in the living and working conditions of workers in the European Community.