Mentor Agreement Template

Both parties should reach an agreement before entering into a mentor/mentor relationship. This agreement defines the objectives of a tutoring relationship and sets limits. Use this template to ensure understanding and consistency between the two parts of the tutoring relationship. A tutoring agreement documents the specifics of the relationship. At their first meeting, the mentor and mentors should set expectations for their relationship and agree on goals. Mentoring partners will use the tutoring agreement model to document: It is useful not only to have a regular day and time for the tutoring session, but also to have a consistent format so that both parties know what to expect. Below is an example of a diary to accompany your time together. This format is not prescriptive, and you can come with your own structure to address and promote your goals and priorities. Search Code: 73609 Published: October 25, 2013 Revised Last: August 17, 2018.