Market Data Distribution Agreement

If you want to obtain, use and/or redistribute real-time and/or deferred market data, you may need to enter into a market data licensing agreement with Euronext. Please note that if you use deferred market data only for internal (non-commercial) purposes, you are not required to enter into a licensing agreement with Euronext. This contract only allows the internal use of Euronext`s real-time market data. If you wish to continue to distribute real-time and/or deferred market data to third parties, please contact EMDA. If you are interested in signing a market data licensing agreement with Euronext, please contact us by phone or email at and we will continue to help you. EMDA and EDSA were launched on September 1, 2017 for new real-time market data customers. In 2018/2019, existing customers will be migrated at different stages to the new market data licensing agreements. If you are still subject to one of Euronext`s old market data licensing agreements, click here for the contractual documents relating to these agreements. However, please note that you are entering EMDA or EDSA as soon as possible.

B3 will further expand its distribution channels and expand the opportunities for market data distributors to study data distribution. Our market data licensing managers support the following regions: You want to obtain real-time market data from Euronext via a data stream from a redistributor (for example. B data providers) and use them exclusively for your own (internal) purposes. You want to redistribute real-time market data and/or deferred market data to a third party (customer). In accordance with current market data policy, market data distributors contract and transmit it to the stock exchange. Distributors request the official version of the contract, as the next version is only available as a reference. The dissemination of real-time trade information without a signed agreement with PFTS is a violation of PFTS rights and is the subject of criminal prosecution. Whether you`re implementing a new data product from Nasdaq or have questions about your existing account, this site is the single point of contact for all your administrative requirements. You want to use Euronext`s real-time market data in a redistributor-controlled environment (for example.B data provider). PFTS Stock Exchange states the following principles for data dissemination: you are a trading member who wants to obtain real-time market data from an extranet service provider (ESP) or an application service provider (ASP).